Armagnacs Blanc von der Domaine de Saoubis

Also white, dry Armagnacs are in our range. You can choose between pure "Dame Blanche" or white Armagnacs paired with lemon, orange zets, with lilies or pine blossoms. Brand new in the programm ist the "Diamant Blanc" with an alcohol content of 60 % vol. All these products are produced biodynamically!

Dame Blanche

Enjoy it at room temperature or frozen- instead of a sorbet -Learn more...

Dame Citron

Not only intended for drinking - but also great for cooking! Learn more...

Dame Orange

Pure or in summer as an "add-on" in a glass of Crémant! Learn more...



Dame à la Fleur de Lys Royal

Enjoy pure or after a nice meal! Learn more...

Dame à la Fleur de Pin

As a "finale" after a sumptuous menu! Learn more...

Le Diamant Blanc

The diamond is our eau de vin with 60% vol. Learn more ...